You know, instead of saying "I just do stuff," I'm gonna start a new trend where someone just puts "Zappada" in their about.

Procra- I mean write

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Well, this was a rather disappointing week. About halfway through, I got really tired, mentally and physically, and decided to just take things slow. However, that won't stop me from announcing a few things I forgot about.

First of all, Ultralius Volume 1 is finally finished! Chapter 10 concludes a 2-year quest to get the first volume finished. 10 chapters, 170 pages, done significantly later than I would have liked, but done none the less. You can read all of that on either Tapas or Webtoon. That does mean, however, I am working on Volume 2! With my new drawing tablet, I'm hoping to get this one done a bit faster than the first one. The whole thing's been scripted since Autumn '23 and I just finished planning Chapter 11 within the week. I planned on releasing it today, but obviously couldn't with everything going on. I do hope to get it done around the end of the month.

iu_1175032_9520241.webpI meant to announce it earlier, but Obscurity Love Life has started posting again, with the 8th Tapas chapter releasing last weekend. I'm hoping to do a chapter a week, so feel free to check back up on the series. I'll probably wait until after it's finished to announce the chapters just for simplicity. I'm hoping to be finished around April-ish. And, against my better judgement, I feel I should mention I'm also writing the third book as well! Like Ult chapter 10, I was hoping to get this done for the holidays, but oh well. I just want to get it over with. Assuming all goes well for once, I plan on having a similar schedule to Love Life, wrapping up around the early summer time. Now, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm also trying to bring Obscurity back into the comic scene. I haven't done a comic for it in two years, but I want to try again! Whether I release it or not is TBD, but I want to at least try again. Hopefully this'll get me back into drawing the cast again.

To wrap things up, I want to bring up another novel I'm working on. If you've seen my new banner, there's a story on there called "Hayx." It's about a girl who's a little... above average. For now, that's all I'll give, but I'll probably put character art out soon enough. The goal is to have it finished at the end of April/beginning of May, around my mom's birthday.

And that's about it. The hard life of an artist, amirite? I was hoping to have more art by now to spice this up, but oh well. I'll crank something out by the end of the week. Like the banner. I should really be finished with the banner soon... promise. Welp, here's to the 2nd-ish anniversary of Obscurity and Ultralius.

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