So, I'm back from the mountains/beach (because I didn't just go to the beach) and I have to admit, the trip was ghhaaaaaaaaaall right -er, it was okay. I definitely liked the beach more than the mountains, but it was fun. Got some souvenirs, like, 10 comics, went to a hell of a lot of flea markets... it was a time.
Anyway, I've been gone for... a week and a half now. I have some big plans I want to carry out (like starting my own website and comic stuffs!) so yeah (Oh, and the possible threat of a virus in my computer...). On top of that, school starts... the 4th? I think, I should... probably check. So yeah... Now, if you'll excuse me, issue #10 of Exhaust and Hercules #4 must be read. Feels good to be back. *dies*