Now, after reading the first two issues of this (like, a few weeks ago), I can easily say it's among my top 5 favorite web comics (as well as Exhaust). Amazing work.
Now, after reading the first two issues of this (like, a few weeks ago), I can easily say it's among my top 5 favorite web comics (as well as Exhaust). Amazing work.
This piece of art was probably one of the first things I found when I went to the Newgrounds art section about a month ago. This piece is one of the reasons I even got an account in the first place. Good job , I'll probably comment on some more I found cool later.
5/5 stars.
Thank you so much, and welcome to Newgrounds! It's a great community here and it makes me happy to contribute to that in any small way.
You know, instead of saying "I just do stuff," I'm gonna start a new trend where someone just puts "Zappada" in their about.
Procra- I mean write
Joined on 7/4/21