You know, instead of saying "I just do stuff," I'm gonna start a new trend where someone just puts "Zappada" in their about.

Procra- I mean write

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MagentaNova's News

Posted by MagentaNova - May 1st, 2022

So some cool birthdays have been brought to my attention. Probably the most notable one for me at the moment is my buddy ind- er... @toxicbutterfly, who's birthday is May 1st (which for me is today). So I thought I'd bust out Krita and use it to try and make a gift. This'll count as like, my 3rd or 4th time using it, so I'm not doing too good w/ it on this computer. I might try to clean it up and practice a bit more, add some neat effects, possibly uploading it as an art submission after. iu_623572_9520241.webp But either, happy birthday @toxicbutterfly. Hope it's been a good one.

Oh yeah, also Tom Fulps borthday was like, yesterday for the two people that didn't know.


Posted by MagentaNova - April 10th, 2022

Holy SHIT! God, what a hell of a month! It's just been so bitchin', it hurts. I haven't been able to focus on the things I want to do thanks to a ton of different reasons. The worst part was that my main PC was acting up and completely just goin' all wacky, not to mention it apparently snows in APRIL?! Come on, that's the shower time, which we've also been getting. Anyway, after a day of relaxation and seeing Morbius with the homies (it was ass btw, like really), I come home to find my computer reset (or turned off, I don't remember the 8th after the movie) and my account reset! Everything looked wiped and oh so blue (the Windows 10 blue, not death blue).

Thankfully, not all of my files were gone. They were all still under my account, it just took a bit to find. I gathered my important files and dragged them on the computer I'm using now, Itibititoshibi. I've been able to put most of the data on a flash drive, but I don't know how long that'll last. I don't even know when I can even fix my computer, or how. So I have a feeling it'll be a bit before I can make my damn comics (digitally). In the meantime, I'm gonna be making my paper drafts so that when I DO come back, I can draw (somehow). So yeah, I have stuff I got to do, on top of other things.


TL;DR-I'm dying, but it's getting better.



Posted by MagentaNova - March 9th, 2022

Currently, as of typing this message, I'm trying to finish my two comics Obscurity and Ultralius, but it's kicking my ass completely. I've found out that I'm somewhat losing motivation, so that'd help a lot now. This can also be a gauge of how much interest is actually in my work. So please, even five people I need a lotta motivation for the next three days. Thank you.

And just so people do know, I'm not concerning my self-worth on analytics or anything, I just want to get motivated to do something I love and want to do for a long time after.



Posted by MagentaNova - February 28th, 2022

I'M ALIVE, BITCHES! God, it's been a bit, hasn't it. It's already next to March and I'm on the verge of death. However, there's a reason for such a thing other than allergies. I! Am working on a comic. Well, two, and it's kicking my ass, not gonna lie. But what better timing than ones birthday to release them! That's right, they'll be releasing on my birthday! Or, that was the plan, but it turns out making comics is... hard. Who am I kidding, it's an absolute bitch to do and it's killing me, but you know what? I'm doing this cause it's my dream. I want to release these stories starting through comics. Specifically, I want to start two, side-by-side series,, but more on that in a sec...


Welp, it's been a sec. For the 5 people who have been looking at my stuff and the 2 who are looking into it, I've been teasing through art the idea of releasing some stories based off of my characters. Chances are, you guys didn't know it was going to be two comics. Yeah, like mentioned above, there's going to be two comics. One will be based on my character Ultralius, a mysterious guy that goes on wacky adventures. The other comic will be based on Obscurity, a little-known local hero to his city that protects it from tyranny. Both I have examples of down below (labeled), and I will say that, in the current time of writing this, Ultralius is being worked on digitally while Obscurity still needs work on paper (art-wise). Since I'm transferring files and scanning pictures from lined paper, this thing will take a bit.

This is the reason I moved the release date from my birthday, which is March 5th! Yeah, I know, suicide. But I decided, "Well, why not just extend the deadline," so I did, and the comics should (hopefully) be released on March 12th, a week after my birthday. This will take a lot of work in order to fulfill, but I want to have these completed. While I'm unsure of congruent page-counts, I do know they'll be releasing monthly, likely with breaks in between, else I'd die. So, with that said, be prepared for Ultralius and Obscurity, coming March 12th (hopefully). I can feel it, it's in my blood or whatever.


^ Test picture from Obscurity (Hey, who dat?) ^

V And test art from Ultralius (which was seen earlier in the week if I remember correctly) V


I just want to thank so many people from the bottom of my heart for supporting me in this venture. I'm not the best at art, but hopefully my writing skills can make up for it. I want to thank Newgrounds for giving me a place to spread my artistic ideas and properties and once I get into the grove of making comics, gain a better understanding of the style of this website. I'd also like to thank @SkyTheOtherGuy, who's been helping me with the creative process that is comics.

I'd also like to thank @Daylin1122 for joining the group of fans. Means a lot, bro.


Posted by MagentaNova - February 22nd, 2022


Posted by MagentaNova - December 27th, 2021

Welp, it's that time of the year again where the year sheds its old skin in favor of a more chaotic "pattern". I'm planning 2022 to be a big year on my end, but until that hell arrives, I'm just gonna be "chilling" by travelling and seeing family. Now, this is probably the last time I'll be on my home computer for about a week.

HOWEVER! If I can get my mini laptop to work out-of-state and have Newgrounds, then I still have posts planned, including the final mural of the year (I wanted to end this year with a BANG). I might even have a little art post here and there, maybe even some teasers for future projects. But for now, here's some small sketches I did around Christmas until I return later.


Also, thanks @smirkyship for joining.

Now then, there's driving to be done!


Posted by MagentaNova - October 31st, 2021

It's that time of the year when people dress up and go ask for candy with a 50/50 chance of a razer blade or a thermo-nuclear device from strangers! But today, before the main events of this holiday happen in America, I just want to talk about a couple things.

The mural project I've been working on for too long will probably be going on until at least the beginning of December. For those that don't know, it's a project where I make murals of the main characters from some neat-ass webcomics, half of which I've found from this website. I have a list of ones that I want to do, so I'm reasonably prepared on material. List may come out soon.

Also, working on a couple of other projects that involve my own characters. Hopefully, I'll have more info and art later on.

And finally, thank you @MOT7070 for joining, it means a lot to me.

Well, that's all the time I've got. I gotta go get my costume on. Happy Halloween!


Posted by MagentaNova - October 2nd, 2021

~A teal war criminal

~A green punk

~An umber annoyance

A pink berd boy

A pale Ronin

A red special forces operative

A bright kid

A yellow survivor


That is all. Things may be different later on.

Posted by MagentaNova - September 1st, 2021

This is just a thing I'll do either the end of one month or the start of the next one, but I just wanted to thank the people that started following my stuff. You all are the first few people to do this, so thank you to @michu250, @DJGreenJes, and @SkyTheOtherGuy. It means a lot to me and I hope you guys stick around.




Posted by MagentaNova - July 26th, 2021

So, I'm back from the mountains/beach (because I didn't just go to the beach) and I have to admit, the trip was ghhaaaaaaaaaall right -er, it was okay. I definitely liked the beach more than the mountains, but it was fun. Got some souvenirs, like, 10 comics, went to a hell of a lot of flea markets... it was a time.

Anyway, I've been gone for... a week and a half now. I have some big plans I want to carry out (like starting my own website and comic stuffs!) so yeah (Oh, and the possible threat of a virus in my computer...). On top of that, school starts... the 4th? I think, I should... probably check. So yeah... Now, if you'll excuse me, issue #10 of Exhaust and Hercules #4 must be read. Feels good to be back. *dies*